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Resizing Temps

If Need be, You may resize my templates as I know they are quite large. I do that to suit everyone's needs. All I ask is Just dont rip them apart or claim as your own. Thanks all. Huggies xoxo, Pooker
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Friday, November 30, 2012

New Template - EI#129

Yep another template! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Looks like this is how its gonna be for a bit since, all I can seem to make these days are these.
But I hope you all are liking them. I also hope they get my head in creating other things as well.
Each time I make one makes me want to tag lol. So if I keep it going it just might happen sooner than later!
Anyways I hope you all like my special Dotted Templates lol! That's the kicker I have been on lately and I like the looks of it!

You can download this - HERE

Enjoy and I hope to seem some things made with it!

Lot's of Love,
